Check, measure and sampling the quality of Meva Energy’s gasification plant residue: Biochar, is the significant everyday work for Operating Technical Peter Ahlström at site i Kisa, Sweden. The important role of handling biochar direcly where it appears together with his burning personal interest to contribute to the environment is the main reason his colleagues in Kisa gave him the nicknamn ”The biochar King”.
Alongside biosyngas, the Kisa plant will also produce biochar. Thanks to its properties, biochar can hold water and nutrition and therefor be used for soil improvement and constitute an important carbon sink. Biochar can also substitute fossil coal, in the metallurgical industry. In close collaboration with Meva Energy’s Sustainability Manager Sara Palander, Peter drives the developement of the biochar production forward at site in Kisa, Sweden
”The best thing about working at Meva Energy is the chance of being involved from the beginning with all the new technology. I get the opportunity to learn from scratch and become an expert in my fields of the technology”
Peter been working on the site in Kisa for the last 9 months, starting as a Operating Technical. In relation with the commissioning and the production of the biochar, Peter also got the important responsiblity to take care of everthing around biochar. Tasks that daily consist of sampling, stocking, transporting but also learning more on study visits to other biochar production sites.
”Starting working with biochar made me realize that there is so much more to learn. Using the biochar for soil-improvement can contribute with a important carbon sink but there is also many more areas to use it for”
Biochar is a valuable by-product from our biosyngas production that makes it possible to further reduce the impact on the climate. It has several exciting application areas with several good effects in, for example, agriculture, forestry, animal keeping but it can also contribute to lower the climate impact in steelmaking.
“All gasification and pyrolysis techniques give rise to a unique biochar with its unique properties. We also know that different biomass feedstock give rise to variations. For us at Meva Energy, we need to learn more about our unique biochar and which applications are possible and create added value. We also want to be part of building knowledge in society around biochar, as today it is the only available CDR technology (Carbon Dioxide Removal, also called BCR, Biochar Carbon Removal).
For me, it is valuable to have this collaboration with Peter, he makes it possible to improve and streamline our management and will have an important role in the development of our biochar production. He is also very engaged, and we have fun together”, says Sara Palander, Sustainability Manger at Meva Energy.
Being able to really make a contribution to the environment is what really drives Peter forward in his everyday work at site in Kisa.

Learn more about biochar here.