Being a former minister of Climate, Environment as well as Trade in Poland, in combination with involvement in several managing institutions, Marcin Korolec will be strengthening the board of Meva Energy. He was elected board member at Meva Energy annual meeting on June 26.
You have an impressive background mainly related to the environmental area, including Climate as well as Environmental minister in Poland, what drives you?
If you look at Polish transformation experience since 1989, you can see tremendous improvements. GDP increased and CO2 reduced at the same time. That was made possible by the membership in the EU. I believe that applying new technology can bring us even further, reaching a climate neutral solution.
What is your relationship with InnoEnergy?
Since December last year I am an independent member of the board. InnoEnergy has created an impressive platform combining researchers, universities and industry, facilitating new innovations to be applied in the world. A platform that is part of making the necessary transition.
What do you see in Meva Energy?
Meva has the right product at the right time. By signing the Paris agreement Europe has decided to work towards climate neutrality, which means we need to develop climate neutral energy. Meva can go beyond that, achieving negative emissions.
Meva is more than just renewable energy, it can also address a big issue with biomass waste not being properly valorized, enabling circularity with the patented gasification technology. Therefore, Meva fits well into the energy system of tomorrow and a climate neutral future.
What do you see you will be your main contribution to Meva Energy
Poland is an important market for Meva, both in terms of a big wood and furniture industry, but also in terms of focus on transition from coal-based energy. In this perspective, my understanding of the Polish market will be valuable. I will also be able to assist in creating the financial architecture for next plants as well as open up some potential customers that I see could benefit from this technology.
What do you do when you are not working?
Having 4 kids is a great hobby, but when possible I try to enjoy some sports, for instance go for a trail run in the forest or go skiing.
Background of Marcin Korolec
Marcin Korolec is a lawyer, long-standing advisor, government administration worker, and negotiator. President of Electric Vehicles Promotion Foundation, since September 2016. Member of the Supervisory Board of InnoEnergy since December 2019, Member of the Board of Transport and Environment since April 2019. He was Polish Climate Minister 2014 to 2015, Minister of the Environment from 2011 to 2013 and Minister for Trade, between 2005 and 2011. Between 2005 and 2015 represented Poland in more than 120 European Union Council Ministers Meetings (Councils: Energy, Trade, Environment, Climate, Competitiveness,). Marcin was President of the COP 19 in 2013 and also co-led the European Union’s delegation at the 2011 UNFCCC Conference in Durban.
Involved in managing institutions concerned with environment and climate protection, both Polish and international, currently Member of Advisory Board of Baltic Development Forum, he represented Poland in the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF): Board Member – Chair of the Ethics and Audit Committee (2013 – 2015). He established Green Weimar Triangle – cooperation between Environment Ministers from France, Germany, Poland (2013). Member of the UNIDO Green Industry Platform Advisory Board (2013-2015). 2011 he represented Poland in the Council of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Member of the EU-Russia Gas Advisory Council (2010/2011). Marcin Korolec was a member of the Supervisory Board at the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management 2010 – 2011.
In the years 1998-2004 he worked at the Office of the Committee for European Integration in the cabinet of Ministers: Jan Kułakowski and Danuta Hübner, where he supervised preparations for Poland’s accession to the EU in areas of negotiation as free movement of goods and people, agriculture, competition and consumer protection policies.
Marcin Korolec is the author of scientific publications about Polish accession negotiations and an academic lecturer. Mr. Korolec is fluent in English and French.