Meva Energy has honorable been selected as one of Mission Innovation 100 global solutions, each having the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 10 million CO2e/year or more by 2030 and/or be of strategic importance. In total the selected solutions can contribute with almost 3 Gigatons of avoided emissions.

Launched at the Paris Climate Conference in 2015, Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative of 22 countries and the European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, seeking to dramatically accelerate global clean energy innovation and make clean energy widely affordable and reliable.
Together they have created a Framework for Assessing Avoided Emissions. The Framework is supporting an accelerated uptake of disruptive solutions by supporting increased transparency regarding actual and potential greenhouse gas reductions, making it easier to identify, support and invest in the next generation of solution providers.
During the event 4th Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-4) Meva Energy was presented as one of Mission Innovation 100 global solutions that each have the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 10 million CO2e/year (~the total emissions of countries like Cambodia, Cameroon or Luxembourg) or more by 2030 and/or be of strategic importance.
The combined avoided emissions from the 100 Mission Innovation solutions is calculated to be almost 3 Gigaton (Europe’s total emissions are about 3,5 Gigatons)
The evaluation of potential CO2e reduction has been coordinated by WWF