Meva Energy has agreed with Pite Energi AB to purchase the Hortlax biomass gasification plant, located in Piteå, Sweden, in order to accelerate its R&D efforts. Being developed by Meva Energy and sold to Pite Energi for commercial operation, the Hortlax plant is a full scale Combined Heat and Power plant (CHP) utilizing the Meva Energy´s proprietary biomass gasification technology. The plant capacity is 1.2 MW power and 2.4 MW heat.
This investment gives us a unique ability and capacity to carry out full-scale R&D test campaigns, says Meva’s CEO Niclas Davidsson. We see a strong market interest for new biomass feedstock types and for related process adaptions. We see an increasingly strong market interest in Sweden and elsewhere for biogas production for industrial purposes and for CHP in markets where power prices are higher.
By making this investment, we get a unique ability and capacity to carry out full scale test campaigns and hence meet this demand with a strong R&D ability, Niclas Davidsson continues. It also means that we will be able to continue our close cooperation with one of the world´s leading institutes within gasification, the RISE Energy Technology Centre, also located in Piteå.